How To Have A Successful One-on-One With Your Manager As An Intern

Regular 1:1s with your manager as an intern can be a valuable way to develop your skills, build relationships, and achieve your career goals. By maintaining open communication and a proactive attitude, you can demonstrate your value to your team and position yourself for future success.

During the first week of your internship, you should: 

  1. Ask your manager if they are willing to meet with you on a regular basis. Explain to your manager that you want to establish a strong working relationship, get feedback on your work, and ensure you meet their expectations. 
  2. Follow-up by scheduling the 1:1 meetings: Meetings are usually once a week but that is also something you can confirm with your manager (how often they would like to meet). When scheduling recurring 1:1s, make sure it is on a day and time that is convenient for you and your manager. 
  3. It is essential that you prepare an agenda for each meeting, including updates on your work, questions you have, and feedback you would like to share. Having an ongoing document listing out what you will be discussing at each meeting is a great way to track all of your work. This will help when you need to look back on what you’ve accomplished when it is time for evaluations in your internship. Below is a template you can use.
  4. Optional but recommended: Make sure your manager is on the same page after every meeting, which might include sending an action item list or a meeting summary after your 1:1s. Below is a template you can use.
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1:1 Meeting Follow Up & Agenda Template

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